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9th September 2022
VectorDraw Install
CAD, General, Irri Maker, Model Maker, Pipe Maker, Road Maker, Survey MakerThis video illustrates the installation of the VectorDraw file converter used with Model Maker Software to import and Export DWG/DXF and Pdf files....
6th July 2020
IrriMaker Workflow Explained
Basics, Drip/Micro, Irri Maker, SprinklerThis guide will take you through the first sequential steps of using IrriMaker....
12th April 2019
Google Elevations
Basics, Irri Maker, Model Maker, Survey/DTMThis clip will illustrate how to get DTM elevations from Google Earth into Model Maker Software...
26th March 2019
Irrigation Display
Basics, Irri MakerThis clip will illustrate how to work with the different Irrigation display options in Model Maker Irri Maker....