Cad Blocks Excel
CAD, Model Maker, Road Maker, SpecialIn this Video You will learn how to add a table of text from Excel or your Windows Clipboard to Model Maker Cad Blocks and a Coordinate block of text from Identified points....
VectorDraw Install
CAD, General, Irri Maker, Model Maker, Pipe Maker, Road Maker, Survey MakerThis video illustrates the installation of the VectorDraw file converter used with Model Maker Software to import and Export DWG/DXF and Pdf files....
Optimize Solar
Design, Model Maker, Survey/DTM, VolumesIn this video, we look at how to use the Optimize Solar function. The function was developed to determine the pole mounting levels for solar panel structures...
Cut & Fill volume with Strings 2
Design, Mining, Model Maker, VolumesCut & Fill volume calculation with strings, using unique names on the dumps to report the volumes. Names & Volumes to Cad Blocks....
General Strings Part 2
3D View, Design, Model Maker, VolumesThis video will show you how to create sections and a Dam design using the General Strings in Model Maker....
General Strings Part 1
3D View, Design, Model Maker, VolumesThis video will show you how to create sections and a Dam design using the General Strings in Model Maker....
Quick Flatten
Analysis, Model MakerThis video will show you how to use the Analysis Quick Flatten function in our Model Maker Software. Use this function to get rid of high points in a survey like buildings and trees....
Create a user-defined Titleblock in Model Maker Systems
CAD, General, Model MakerThis video shows you how to create a User Title block in Model Maker Systems that you can print using this Title block in Model Maker....
Model Maker DEM Import
Model Maker, Survey/DTMThis video illustrates step by step how to download and load a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) file into Model Maker...
Pipe network design part 1 (Model Maker)
Design, Model Maker, Pipe Maker, Pipe NetworkThis video illustrates how to prepare a pipe network design in Model Maker Software to be used as a pipe network design in Pipe Maker Software....
Sewer Wizard
Analysis, Model Maker, Pipe Maker, Pipe NetworkIn conjunction with PIPE MAKER a sewer network can be designed. With an overlay of a township layout, drawn in MODEL MAKER CAD, you can determine the required positions and invert levels for erf connections to ensure the proper...
Road Network design 1
Design, Model Maker, Road Maker, Road NetworkThis video illustrates how to do a Network design of roads. This first part starts with the preparation in Model Maker and continues in Part 2, using the preparation files we create here....
Cut and Fill with GXT Strings
Mining, Model Maker, VolumesHow to do a Cut and Fill volume calculation on more than one Dump simultaneously in the quickest way....
Cad Layer Display
CAD, Model MakerThis Clip Illustrates how to turn CAD layers on and off in our Model Maker Software program....
CAD Line DTM-ID Lines
CAD, Model Maker, Survey/DTMThe function to add cad lines based on DTM point codes has been improved to better handle crossing lines....
Customize Toolbars
General, General, Model MakerThis Clip Illustrates how to customize, reset and save your Toolbars in Model Maker Systems Model Maker Software....
Google Elevations
Basics, Irri Maker, Model Maker, Survey/DTMThis clip will illustrate how to get DTM elevations from Google Earth into Model Maker Software...
Tutorial – Creating Patterns
Basics, CAD, Model Maker, Survey MakerIn this tutorial we cover the steps of how to create a pattern file using Model Maker that we can then later use in Survey Maker....
Long-Section Plan Plot, Automatic
CAD, Model Maker, Pipe Maker, Road Maker, Special, SpecialThis clip illustrates how to create construction drawings of a Pipe Maker Long Section and Model Maker Plan plot. We use both Model Maker and Pipe Maker Software....
Long section & Plan Plot
CAD, Model Maker, Pipe Maker, Road Maker, Special, SpecialHow to plot a Long section of a Road or pipeline using Model Maker, together with the plan of that portion of the section....
Geographical Coordinates
Model Maker, Survey/DTMThis clip will show you how to import Geographical coordinates into Model Maker Software...
Height Analysis
Analysis, Model MakerThis clip will show you one of the ways to work with the Height Analysis function in Model Maker Systems Model Maker Software....
MM How to Print
CAD, General, Model MakerThis clip illustrates how to print in Model Maker Software....
Balance, create toe embankments & calc volumes
Design, Model Maker, VolumesHow to convert CAD lines with a elevation to a Model Maker DTM model with Triangulation and Contours....
Convert CAD Contours to Model Maker Contours
CAD, Model Maker, Survey/DTMHow to convert CAD lines with a elevation to a Model Maker DTM model with Triangulation and Contours....